Welcome back to our Free Play Lotto series! We’re back with part 2 of our Where Does Unclaimed Prize Money Go? series.
In part 2 of this series, we will discuss unclaimed prize money in West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida! If you missed part 1, click the button below to check it out! Plus, we included state flower photos again! Were you able to guess the ones from part 1?
West Virginia

According to West Virginia’s lottery site, the money “returned to the prize fund for second chance drawings, additional prizes in games and other promotional efforts. Beginning July 1, 1996, the Unclaimed Prize Fund also paid 1¼% out of the 7% retailer commission.”
Virginia’s Legislative Information System indicates that approved, unclaimed lottery proceeds are deposited into the Literary Fund.

North Carolina
North Carolina’s lottery act specifies unclaimed prize money is “held separate and apart from the other revenues” and 50% goes to enhance prizes and the other 50% goes to the Education Lottery Fund.
South Carolina

South Carolina’s lottery act specifies that unclaimed prize money goes to the Education Lottery account and, from that account, is allocated for various purposes including to the Department of Education, South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug
Abuse Services, and other programs related to helping people with gambling problems.

Florida’s lottery site indicates that after a majority of the funds go to prizes, the remaining primarily goes to Florida education and then to retailer commission, vendor fees, and the Florida lottery administration.
Until Next Time!
– The Free Play Lotto Team!
- https://wvlottery.com/news-and-info/faq/
- https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title58.1/chapter40/section58.1-4020/
- https://nclottery.com/Content/Docs/Chapter_18C_Lottery%20Act.pdf
- https://www.sceducationlottery.com/documents/lottery/Lotteryact.pdf
- https://floridalottery.com/education/supporting-education