Did you know..? Lottery Edition

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to the Free Play Lotto Blog series! We hope you are having a wonderful week! We have got some interesting facts to share with you today – about…… the Lottery!

So, everyone know about the mega jackpot state lotteries that are run year round? You’ve seen those billboard ad’s for the PowerBall and MegaMillions, right? Neary every 3rd mile of state highway in America has them?

Well these ads aren’t for nothing! Look at these stats below.

Did you know that in 2013, those types of Lotteries pulled in a whopping $63 billion total in ticket sale revenue? In 2017, it grew to $71 billion ticket sales generated. This amount in 2017, was more than what Americans spent on video games, the movies, and concerts combined.

And this trend is only expected to increase!

These ticket sales are generated by people buying tickets in their respective states. Below is a breakdown of that $63 billion from 2013 and which states were the biggest contributors!1

As you can see above, New York had the biggest ticket sales for 2013 at $7.1 billion – and based on the data from 2017 they also had the biggest ticket sales out of all the other states with a total of $8.3 billion. On the flip side – the lowest revenue generated by a state with the lottery was the state of Wyoming with only $25.3 million generated in ticket sales.

As you can see above, New York had the biggest ticket sales for 2013 at $7.1 billion – and based on the data from 2017 they also had the biggest ticket sales out of all the other states with a total of $8.3 billion. On the flip side – the lowest revenue generated by a state with the lottery was the state of Wyoming with only $25.3 million generated in ticket sales.2

So what does this all mean? Well to help put this in perspective. All these generated ticket sales mean that Americans went out and bought tickets and over the course of a year generated billions dollars worth of ticket sales! Take a look at this.

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The Average American in 2017 spent $220 on lottery tickets. It was found that the citizens of Massachusetts spent the most when compared to every other state, with an average of $737 spent per person in their state. North Dakota recorded the lowest average spend on lottery tickets per person, with a measly $34.68 spent on lottery tickets a year. And, the data indicates that the national average expenditure for the lottery is only rising and will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

This is one of the reasons we came up with Free Play Lotto, we wanted to have and hold contests with the same excitement of winning actual valuable prizes, without the downside of having to buy in every single time!

Free Play Lotto, allows you to enter into contests to win big money prizes, without having to “buy in”. No tricks or gimmicks, and no downside! Because, our main philosophy is – you can’t lose, if you don’t pay. And with our upcoming mobile app platform – you will be able to play and win – completely for free.

So… Why do YOU think more people are buying into lotteries nowadays? Let us know in the comment section below!

Until next time!

– The Free Play Lotto! Team

1. https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/fiscal-notes/2015/may/lotto.php#:~:text=the%20lottery’s%20inception.-,The%20money%20the%20lottery%20 generates%20is%20 no%20 small%20 amount,%241.2%20billion%20last%20fiscal%20year.
2. https://lendedu.com/blog/how-much-do-americans-spend-on-the-lottery/#:~:text=on%20the%20Lottery-,According%20to%20LendEDU’s%20analysis%20of%20the%20most%20recent%20data%2C%20the,per%20year%20on%20the%20lottery.

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